How To Make A


Making a YouTube video isn’t quite that complicated. In the video above, I showed some simple steps you can follow, as well as how to make a YouTube video great. There I also showed my video editing software and how to use it.

If you follow the steps right, not only can you upload a video to YouTube and create a YouTube video, but you can make a great one that’s gonna get results.

How to Make a YouTube Video

The simplest way to make a YouTube video is to record a video on your phone and then upload it to YouTube. I have a YouTube Red application which gives convenient features for a YouTube channel owner like myself.

If you have YouTube Red app, follow these steps to upload your video to YouTube:

  • Open your YouTube Red app.
  • Go to your Account.
  • Click on the icon inside a red circle.
  • Click on Allow Access.
  • Select the video you want to upload.
  • Click on Upload.

It’s as easy as that to upload a video to YouTube directly from your phone.

Setting up a YouTube channel is actually a really easy thing to do, but I’ve made another video showing you the steps and all the tips I recommend for setting that up. So let’s just assume that you’ve already got your YouTube channel set up at this point.

To make a YouTube video without YouTube Red, simply record a video with your phone or video camera, and upload the video to YouTube. Now it’s available for all of your subscribers to see or you can share it with your friends with a link, and they can come to your channel to watch.

Making a YouTube and making a GREAT YouTube video are actually two different things. In the video, I showed how to film a YouTube video, but let’s talk for a minute about what really makes a GREAT YouTube video.

What do I mean by ‘great’?

When a video does well on YouTube, it gets a lot of views. This is the kind of video that engages people and gets them to subscribe to your YouTube channel. This is what a great video is. You want people to watch all the way to the end!

How can a video be great?

First and foremost, to have your video do well on YouTube, you need to give your audience what you’re hoping for… what they’re expecting to see in this video. People have seen a THUMBNAIL, they’ve read a TITLE, so what are they hoping and expecting to see?

You need to think about how they’re going to find this video. Is it something that ONLY subscribers are going to find? Or is your video searchable because you’ve built and AMP’d video which we’d talked about in another video. AMP’d videos pull people in.

AMP’d means Automatic, Magnetic, and Perpetual.

How did they find you and what are they expecting to see? The goal is to CATCH THEIR ATTENTION. Make sure that within that first few seconds of the video, they know that they’ve found what they’re looking for!

Of course, not all of the videos you’ll be filming is going to be an exciting topic. What I recommend is you cut out the dull parts. f you make mistakes or you pause and think for a minute of how to say something, you can definitely edit those parts out. If you make a bad mistake, just stop, and then start over. Say the sentence again. Make things more conversational.

Little hesitations, the stutters, or short pauses are all parts of a conversation and something you don’t always want to cut out. These “soft mistakes” are what’s going to make you come across as a lot more genuine in the video!

Feel free to cut it out long pauses and parts where you notice there’s low energy in your voice, so long as everything that you say before and after still makes sense. You’ll compress your video a little bit and make it a much higher quality video that people are likely to watch to the end.

How to use a video editing software?

Now, it is important for you to learn how to use a video editing software. However, that can be time consuming so I recommend finding someone that you can hire to do that editing work for you.

It’s really just a matter of where your time is most valuable. Is editing the videos yourself going to help you bring in the most revenue or there are other activities that you can do such as you focusing on the filming, allowing you to create a lot more content and having a team member or another company edit your videos for you? That’s a call on being more efficient and more profitable.

How to film using an iPhone

It’s really just a matter of where your time is most valuable. Is editing the videos yourself going to help you bring in the most revenue or there are other activities that you can do such as you focusing on the filming, allowing you to create a lot more content and having a team member or another company edit your videos for you? That’s a call on being more efficient and more profitable.

  • Hit record On on your iPhone.
  • Say your introduction.
  • (bumper which you will insert during editing)
  • Say your main content.
  • Say your closing spiel which can include a Call to Action.
  • Hit Stop on your iPhone.

And then I took it into the video editing software I love to use which is Final Cut Pro. It’s the upgraded version from iMovie for the Mac.

For this video, I’ve imported three files:

  • the video file I recorded on my iPhone
  • a separate audio file I recorded
  • the bumper flash intro

bulb2A video bumper is a short (5-15 seconds in length) video or animation that shows a brand or logo to add interest to a video project.

How to edit a video:

  • Take the video file.
  • Move it to the main viewer.
  • Sync up the audio file. Line up where the spikes fit.

Visually, you’ll see little spikes when syncing the audio. You need to line up where those spikes fit. You’ll see how they visually line up, and that means it’s good. However, you need to double check and hit Play. In the video above, you’ll hear there’s an echo. That means it’s not lined up perfectly yet.

waveWhat you need to do is to put your cursor in there where you see some prominent spikes that you want to line up. Put your cursor right there and grab the audio track. Line it up perfectly and watch what happens when you hit Play. You’ll know the audio tracks are synced up when you no longer hear an echo.

At this point, you can now go through the whole video and edit out the parts that you don’t need in your final video.

How to add the intro flash bumper:

addbumpvidTo add the bumper, just grab the file from your computer and insert it in the timeline which is normally right after you’ve said your intro spiel.

When you record in 4k, you can go down to half the height which is a quarter of the screen size to zoom way in and STILL remain in HD. If you just record in HD and then you zoom it down, be aware that you’re going to lose a little bit of resolution.

Now you just wait for the video to finish processing. Once it counts up to a hundred, you can hit the button that allows you to render it or save it as a completed video file.

What equipment do I use?


Before you start investing in an expensive camera, equipment, or audio gear, let me make a good recommendation of lighting first. In the video above, I showed some soft boxes that I’ve collected and still use to this day. I have 15 of those! These are big old soft boxes that are great for giving you some fill light. Their very purpose is to provide a good spread of light.

A soft box may have two screens. The best ones I showed in the video have five lightbulbs in them. On the back, there will be five switches. You can turn on just one switch for one bulb or all five if you’re going for a really bright light effect in your videos. Having good quality lights like these is so important because it allows you to work more efficiently. It allows you to precisely control the lighting.


The next thing to talk about is audio. In the video I said don’t worry about audio; what I should have said is don’t worry about spending a whole bunch of money on expensive audio equipment because there are some very affordable options that will give you really high quality audio!

Get a lav mic that has a long cord. You can plug that into either your camera or phone. A lav mic will drastically increase the sound quality. In fact, if you have a lav mic on, even if you’ve just filmed your videos in daylight and faced a window, you’d still get a good quality video production.

It’s good to also have a boom microphone or a digital audio recorder. What I use is a zoom H2N. This is good for muting out background noise. By having a secondary mic, when you’re looking at your tracks, you put the two of them on in your video editing software, and you can line up the peaks side by side, so then you sync it and then you just mute the audio that’s recorded on the camera.

If you had a wire going from your microphone all the way to your camera, you don’t have to worry about that step, but that’s what I do.

In the video, I also showed my very sturdy Manfrotto stands which I keep inside a special suitcase along with the soft boxes, filters, and everything else I’ll be needing during video shoots. When you pack your equipment, be sure to bring with you spare lightbulbs in case one burns out. The suitcase I showed there I’ve already taken with me on nine roundtrip flights now.

If in case you’re shooting outside the state or country, it’s best to invest in a suitcase like that and the equipment I showed that’ll help you get the best quality you want for your YouTube videos.


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